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• Describe a mistake or something you should not have done since being in university.
• Can you explain the process of registering for a class/course?
• What celebrations/festivals/events do you enjoy the most? Why?
• What’s the best advice you would tell a brother/sister or friend who is now entering college?`What’s the best excuse you’ve heard or given for missing a class?
• How has your life changed since beginning college?
• How much note taking do you do in most of your classes?
• How often do you reread or organize your notes from a professor’s lecture?
• What are some advantages in studying with sophomore/junior/senior students/friends or with older students?
• If you wanted to, when could you fit in more study time?
• What do you fear most about next semester’s classes?
• What was your biggest fear before you began your freshman year of college?
• How much of the course material is covered by the professors in your classes?
• During classes, do you like working in student groups or working alone? Why?
• What are some advantages of studying alone? Disadvantages?
• What are some advantages of studying in groups? Disadvantages?
• Do you prefer to study with friends/classmates or to study alone?
• Do you have easy access to your professors outside of class?
• How often do you read ahead for your classes?
• What can/do you do if you fall behind in your classes?
• What do you plan to do during the summer vacation?
• What’s your biggest motivation for your university life?
• What can you do if you don’t like your roommates?
• Are the counselors at school helpful?
• What’s your favorite spot on campus?
• What’s your favorite way to take a ‘short’ break from studying at night?
• What do you miss most about your home and your hometown?
• What’s your best memory? What’s your worst memory?
• Are you a member of any student organization?
• What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
• If you were not attending college now, what would you be doing? Where? Why?
• What are some qualities of a good student?
• What are some qualities of a good teacher?
• How do you travel to your classes everyday?
• What advantages are there to home schooling?
• How can classes or classrooms be improved?
• What would be the effect?
• If you became president of your university, what changes would you make? Why?
• If you became president of your university, which rule would you abolish (cancel)?
• What is the biggest difficulty in being a college student?
• Why is a college education important?
• What does a college education provide?
• How much is tuition do you pay?
• What kinds of scholarships are there for students at your school?
• What must you do to receive a college diploma?
• Where is the best place for you to study? Why?
• How many hours do you spend on homework or studying each night?
• What do you do on campus when you’re not studying?
• Which class or subject is most important for your future job?
• What is your favorite class or subject? Why?
• How can a student receive a scholarship?
• How many back-to-back classes do you have?
• What is a disadvantage of back-to-back classes?
• Why are you attending college?
• After your grade point average (GPA), what is the 2nd most important thing in college?
• Do most of your professors or instructors take attendance? Why?
• How often do your professors let class out early?
• Which do you prefer more, morning or afternoon classes? Why?
• What time does your first class begin tomorrow?
• The cost of university education is becoming very expensive in many countries.
• How can we make the cost of education more affordable to the general public?

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