اشتراک گذاری

Traffic Accidents

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• Have you ever seen a traffic accident?
• Have you been involved in a traffic accident?
• Do you know someone who has been involved in a traffic accident?
• Have you been injured in a traffic accident?
• Do you think talking on cell phones can help cause traffic accidents?
• Do you think a motorcycle rider should be required to wear a helmet?
• Do you think a person should be required to wear a seat belt?
• What kind of insurance do you have on your car?
• Have you ever hit an animal at night when you were driving your car?
• What kind of safety features in a car would help you if you had a traffic accident?
• Are traffic accidents a major cause of death in your country?
• Who dies in traffic accidents more? Young? Old? Children? Boys? Girls?
• How can traffic accidents be prevented?
• What are people not doing that they should to prevent deaths in traffic accidents?
• What are you not doing that you should to prevent deaths in traffic accidents?
• What should be done in order to prevent traffic congestion in your city?
• How do you feel about spending time in rush hours?

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