اشتراک گذاری

Single Life

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• Why do you think some people remain single?
• Would you like to be single all your life?
• Do you think that single people like being single?
• Is it better to be single or married? Why?
• What are the advantages of being single?
• Do you think that single people are happier?
• Do you think it is easier for a man or a woman to be single?
• Why do you think some people prefer to be single?
• How do you think single people feel on Valentine’s Day?
• Do you think that there is a soulmate somewhere for everyone?
• In your country, what do people think about a woman in her 30s who is unmarried?
• In your country, what do people think about a man in his 30s who is unmarried?
• In your country do single people of opposite sex ever live together as roommates, not as boyfriend or girlfriend?
• Do you think it is fair that in some countries married people get tax benefits and single people don’t?
• What are the consequences of being single?
• What are the advantages of being married?
• Do you have any single aunts or uncles? Can you describe their lifestyles?
• Do you know any single parents? How did they become single parents?
• What does your culture think about single parenting?
• Does your government support single parents?
• Do partners in your culture sometimes live in separate houses?
• Are there any perks of being single?
• What do you consider to be your biggest Freudian slip?

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